TIMES SQUARE is a subsidiary of the Wharf Real Estate Investment Company Limited specializing in prime office...
HARBOUR CITY, the flagship property of Wharf Real Estate Investment Company Limited, situated in the commercial hub... of Tsim Sha Tsui, boasts 8.4 million square feet of prime commercial space comprising offices, retail shops, serviced...
TIMES SQUARE is a subsidiary of the Wharf Real Estate Investment Company Limited specializing in prime office...
resume, copies of qualifications, salary expected and contact telephone number to: 46-47/F Tower One, Times Square...
Times Square and IFS developments in major cities including Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Changsha, Wuxi and Dalian...Wharf China Estates Limited is the Mainland investment property arm of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. It operates prime...
Times Square and IFS developments in major cities including Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Changsha, Wuxi and Dalian...WHARF CHINA ESTATES LIMITED is the Mainland investment property arm of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. It operates prime...
Times Square and IFS developments in major cities including Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Changsha, Wuxi and Dalian...WHARF CHINA ESTATES LIMITED is the Mainland investment property arm of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. It operates prime...
時代廣場為九龍倉置業地產投資有限公司旗下之大型購物商場及甲級辦公大樓,現誠邀優秀及具正向工作態度的人才加入我們追求卓越服務和持續改進的團隊: 請按Apply Now 提交個人履歷 職責: 負責商場及商業大廈機電設施維修及保養,及為租户進行機電設施維修服務 負責設備故障時的檢查、維修及跟進,以恢復設備的正常運作 協助督導及培訓技術員和監督承判商之工作 執行良好工作場所整理及負責零件與消耗品的點存 入職要求: 持有屋宇設備 / 機械 / 電機 / 學徒...
時代廣場為九龍倉置業地產投資有限公司旗下之大型購物商場及甲級辦公大樓,現誠邀優秀及具正向工作態度的人才加入我們追求卓越服務和持續改進的團隊: 我們誠意邀請優秀,敬業及專業的人才成為我們的一份子,請按Apply Now 提交個人履歷 (請列明申請職位)。 招聘日2024 年8月10 日 (星期六) 地點:尖沙咀柯士甸道8號龍堡國際 時間:上午11時 至 下午5時 職責: 負責巡視商廈及協助執行日常商廈 / 停車場管理事務 9小時輪班工作 入職要求...