Duties to include: Cutting and strimming of grass, attending to and maintaining flower beds and some hedges, some light painting tasks, control of undergrowth, control of litter, in general to keep the village neat and presentable at all ti...
Duties to include, cleaning and moping of all floors, tables, chairs etc, cleaning, sanitising and checking toilets regularly, cleaning of kitchen area. Contact Supervisor Martin Carrigy on 086 3755200 Sector:...
Duties to include, Grass cutting, Strimming grass, liter picking, light painting tasks, maintenance of flower beds and hedges, power washing, etc Sector:...
General duties to include, Cutting and strimming grass, pesticide control, litter control, light painting tasks and any other duties assigned by your supervisor, in general to keep the grounds neat and tidy at all times. Contact Supervisor ...
Duties to include, Grass cutting, liter picking, maintaining hedges and flower beds, painting, Sector:...