to conduct health services Requirements: Holder of valid Registered Nurse (General) practicing certificate issued by the... Nursing Council of Hong Kong Minimum 3 years of aggregate experience as Registered Nurse with geriatric care / internal...
Bachelor degree or Higher Diploma in Nursing Holder of a valid Registered Nurse Practising Certificate issued by the...
Job Responsibilities Bachelor degree or Higher Diploma in Nursing Holder of a valid Registered Nurse and Registered...
/ suspected child-harm / maltreatment incidents Work as Registered Nurse in Child Protection Support Service (ChildPro...
: Valid holder of Hong Kong Registered Nurse license with practicing certificate At least 2 years work experience...
individuals. Requirement : Valid holder of Hong Kong Registered Nurse license with practicing certificate ICU related...
to conduct health services Requirements : Holder of valid Registered Nurse (General) practicing certificate issued by the... Nursing Council of Hong Kong Minimum 3 years of aggregate experience as Registered Nurse with geriatric care / internal...
with other healthcare providers Requirements : Degree in Nursing and registered with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong At least 3...
as assigned Requirements: Registered with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong and holder with a valid practicing certificate...
Assist during doctor consultations Other ad hoc duties Job Requirements Registered with the Nursing Council of Hong...
A non-profit making and inter-denominational Christian organization is now looking for high-caliber candidate who would align with our Mission: “Through a ministry of holistic care, we strive to share the Gospel and develop a Christian comm...
Descriptions Valid practicing certificate (RN) issued by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong Experience in specialist clinic or day procedure centre is highly preferred Work with Patient oriented Assisting doctors in consultatio...
Hong Kong Housing Society is a non-government organization aiming to serve the needs of the Hong Kong community in housing and related services. We strive to be a world-class housing solution provider and innovator with leadership in qualit...
The Housing Society has been serving the role as the “housing laboratory” of Hong Kong. In response to the challenges associated with the ageing population, we have pioneered a number of innovative and forward-looking elderly housing projec...
We are providing a range of home based care services and community support services to the elderly or families in need and persons with disability in the community. We are committed to support families to Care for the elderly in the Communi...
-granting institution registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap.320). Following the educational ideals... technologists, occupational therapists and radiation therapists. Besides, the College is also the first institution registered...
. Job Requirements Registered with Hong Kong Nursing Council with valid practicing certificate; Experience in MOP, physical check-up...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊護士證書及有效之執業證書; 負責為長者提供護理服務,協助院舍行政工作;須輪班 工作地點︰鄰近坑口港鐵站 本會將會為合適的應徵者提供以下薪酬福利,包括:...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊/登記護士證書及有效之執業證書 負責為長者提供護理服務,協助院舍行政工作;須輪班 歡迎應屆畢業生申請 工作地點︰將軍澳(鄰近靈實醫院) 本會將會為合...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊/ 登記護士證書及有效之執業證書 有責任心,能獨立工作 為長者提供家訪、個案管理、策劃及執行護理計劃、護老者支援及為前線職員提供訓練等 日間工作,無需輪夜...