Description Job Details: 40 hours per week 5-day work, within 1000-1930 (depend on station assigned) Working location: Hong Kong Island/ Kowloon/ New Territories Sunday & Public holiday Must on leave! 星期日同公眾假期一定放假 Requirements: ...
Since 1996, Recruit Express has placed highly-qualified professionals at many Fortune 500 companies in Asia..., reputation and benefits. The heartbeat of Recruit Express lies in our highly enthusiastic and driven business leaders...
Since 1996, Recruit Express has placed highly-qualified professionals at many Fortune 500 companies in Asia..., reputation and benefits. The heartbeat of Recruit Express lies in our highly enthusiastic and driven business leaders...
Since 1996, Recruit Express has placed highly-qualified professionals at many Fortune 500 companies in Asia..., reputation and benefits. The heartbeat of Recruit Express lies in our highly enthusiastic and driven business leaders...
Description Since 1996, Recruit Express has placed highly-qualified professionals at many Fortune 500 companies...
Established since 1996, SearchAsia is a Specialist brand under Recruit Express group. Recruit Express group has emerged...
Since 1996, Recruit Express has placed highly-qualified professionals at many Fortune 500 companies in Asia..., reputation and benefits. The heartbeat of Recruit Express lies in our highly enthusiastic and driven business leaders...
Since 1996, Recruit Express has placed highly-qualified professionals at many Fortune 500 companies in Asia..., reputation and benefits. The heartbeat of Recruit Express lies in our highly enthusiastic and driven business leaders...
18,000-20,000 地點: 地鐵沿線都有!可以選擇香港九龍或新界! (有時要返唔同的express centre, 主要係近地鐵站同附近地點) 時間: 一星期返40小時, 5天為主 時間在1000-1930內 星期日同公眾假期一定放假 有半...
18,000-20,000 地點: 地鐵沿線都有!可以選擇香港九龍或新界! (有時要返唔同的express centre, 主要係近地鐵站同附近地點) 時間: 一星期返40小時, 5天為主 時間在1000-1930內 星期日同公眾假期一定放假 有半...
Description $70 (新年聖誕揾錢工) 運動牌子Part Time Sales $70 PER HOUR (唔包飯鐘) 時間: 8小時, 1200-2000 (第一天, 之後再夾更) 銅鑼灣 太古城 金鐘 北角 香港仔 將軍澳 觀塘 九龍灣 九龍塘 尖沙咀 大角咀 旺角 葵芳 元朗 天水圍 馬鞍山 沙田 每星期返3-4天 夾更 (星期六日紅日多數要返到) 員工需協助店舖日常運作 包括產品陳列、倉存整理,銷售產品 需要有零售經...
Description Requirements: - At least *1 year of customer service experience* in a bank branch Location: - Kai Tak / Kowloon City(Urgent positions available!) - Also available in Causeway Bay, Central, and other areas with limited ...
Description 半政府金融機構 Back office Position (偏向處理data, finance方向) Salary: 20,000 - 26,000 + 10% Gratuity 地點: 觀塘 Degree Holder Must - Fresh Graduate都可以考慮(Degree - Data, Finance相關) 但最好要有做過金融行業相關internship - 做過1年Audit firm都可以申請, 想轉銀...
Description 25/12-31/1 $70 PER HOUR (唔包飯鐘) 時間: 8小時, 1200-2000 (第一天, 之後再夾更) 銅鑼灣 觀塘 將軍澳 葵芳 太古城 九龍灣 九龍塘 元朗 金鐘 尖沙咀 天水圍 奧海城 元朗 香港仔 北角 旺角 馬鞍山 沙田 每星期返4-5天 夾更‼(其中一日星期六/日/假日) 主要負責協助店舖日常運作包括產品陳列、倉存整理,銷售產品 一定要有零售經驗 有興趣可以wts 67351475 了解...
Description - 月薪HKD 20K + Bonus - 地點:灣仔 - 工作時間:星期一至五 09:00 - 17:30,無加班 享有 12天年假 如需加班,另有加班費 $ 工作職責: - 在債權管理中心工作,負責聯絡客戶,處理逾期繳款及追收事宜 職位要求: 中五或以上學歷 具至少1年財務公司或相關客戶服務經驗(如借貸公司/銀行) 有興趣可以wts 67351475 了解更多 Industry Banking & F...
Description Salary: HKD 20,000 - 26,000 + 10% Gratuity Location: Kwun Tong ‼Degree Holder Required!‼ - Fresh graduates are welcome to apply (Degree in Data, Finance, or related fields). - Previous internship experience in the fina...
Description Marketing & Communications, Private Banking Department Location: Central Salary: 30-40k x 12 + bonus Responsibilities Assist in developing annual marketing strategies and budgets that align with the company's mission a...
Description 月薪:$17,500 工作地點:銅鑼灣 無需經驗,歡迎有學習熱誠的朋友!提供全面培訓! 工作亮點: - 每日工作8小時 + 1小時休息 - 福利:交通津貼、餐飲津貼、勤工獎、醫療保險等 - 員工專屬飲品優惠! 工作內容: - 準備食材 - 熱情迎接顧客 有興趣可以wts 67351475 了解更多 Industry F&B, Hospitality & Tourism Specialization...
Description 工作地點:土瓜灣馬頭角/大埔廠(提供廠車) 薪金:$20,000 - $25,000(12個月薪 + 年終花紅) 假期:13天年假 + 17天銀行假 工作時間:星期一至星期五(如需返工星期六,可享補假) 職責:負責檢測及維修煤氣製氣爐及相關設備,包括水泵、鍋爐及鼓風機等。 學歷要求:中三或以上 經驗要求:持有燃氣/機械/工程學徒證,至少1-3年全職工作經驗;有廠房維修經驗者優先 優先考慮:持有平安咭或密閉場地工人證書者。...
Description [歡迎Fresh Graduate] 福利機構 Project Officer Salary: HKD 18,400 PER MONTH Working Location: 黃竹坑 (MTR附近中心) 五天工作 (9-6pm/ 11-8pm) Main Duties: 負責外展活動Team, 宣傳活動 根據對象制定中心活動 / 計budeget and reporting General Admin duties Re...