Job Duties: To carry out genral duites of property management in public housing estate Perform general... administrative and clerical work as well as handle tenancy enquiries and complaints Supervise estate management team Working...
CHINA MOBILE HONG KONG COMPANY LIMITED ("CMHK") is the wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile Limited (HKEx: 941... Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited. We aim at bringing you a unique opportunity to unveil your potential and realize...
入職條件: 香港中學中五程度或以上﹔ 能書寫流暢中文,並能操流利粵語﹔ 須成熟穩重,並善於與人溝通及相處﹔及 具有關社監的工作經驗優先考慮 能即時上班者優先考慮 職責: 監管長者住屋的秩序、整潔情況,以及兼職或合約僱員的工作﹔ 確保長者住屋內的所有設施,包括電力、食水、氣體供應、排水系統、消防裝置及其他附屬設備運作正常﹔ 促進住戶在使用院舍設施時合作態度,並鼓勵他們參與社交活動﹔ 留意住戶的一般生活情況,協助他們在遷入院舍後適應新環境,以及在有...