“Application for Part-time (Daytime) Lecturer (Ref. No.: O/TY-BA/PTD_L/10/24)”. (4) Original and copy of other supporting... Ceshi [普通話水平測試三級乙等] or above. Notes: (1) Applicants with less experience may be considered for the post of “Part-time...
and given name”, e.g. “CHAN Tai-man.pdf”. (3) For the email subject, please cite “Application for Part-time (Daytime) Lecturer... Ceshi [普通話水平測試三級乙等] or above. Notes: (1) Applicants with less experience may be considered for the post of “Part-time...
Part-time (Daytime) Lecturer Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Department / Section... with less experience may be considered for the post of “Part-time (Daytime) Assistant Lecturer” at the rank of Teaching Associate. (2...