DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATION SCIENCES Occupational Therapist I (Ref. 250115006) [Appointment period: twelve months... in Occupational Therapy or related disciplines with at least five years of post-qualification working experience; (b) be registered...
outreach programs and responsible for in-house occupational safety and health issues. Advise the optimal choice on the design...
集團創辦於一九八九年,是香港最具聲譽的護老院之一。集團多年來深得長者與家人的愛戴,並獲得社署及社會各界人士的認同。集團會繼續奉上百分百愛心,提供優質誠懇體貼的卓越護老服務。 松齡護老集團擁有富有活力及上進心,並時刻準備著為安老服務行業帶來更多正向改變的員工。我們非常注重員工未來的事業發展,十分期望可以協助他們探索興趣所在、尋找和發揮潛能,希望可以幫助他們磨煉出精湛的技藝以及獲得更加良好的進階契機。 誠意邀請您加入松齡護老集團,體驗松齡是我家的感覺成為我們的一份子! ...
Certificate issued by the Occupational Therapy Board, Hong Kong. Minimum 5 years working experience as occupational therapist... of clinical guidelines, protocols and patient care process in Occupational Therapy service. Assist in the in-service training...