Stoke-on-Trent, often referred to as the "Potteries," is a city in Staffordshire, England, renowned for its rich industrial heritage in ceramics and pottery manufacturing. With a mix of urban and green spaces, Stoke offers a blend of cultur...
Cheadle is a historic market town in Staffordshire, known for its picturesque setting at the foot of the Churnet Valley. With its charming streets, traditional market, and proximity to the scenic Peak District, Cheadle is a popular destinat...
Biddulph is a charming market town in Staffordshire, nestled at the edge of the Peak District. Known for its scenic beauty, it boasts attractions like Biddulph Grange Country Park and Biddulph Moor, offering visitors a blend of nature, hist...
Our client is seeking to recruit an experienced HCPC registered Audiologist/Hearing Aid Dispenser to join their team in delivering exceptional hearing services. In this role, you will be responsible for ensuring patients receive the highest...
As a Practice Manager focusing on both leadership and hands-on dispensing, your responsibilities will include overseeing the team and ensuring that targets are met, as well as actively participating in dispensing and providing support to ju...