School of Chinese Medicine Clerical Assistant(s) (Patient Care) (Work Location: Wan Chai) The appointee...(s) will be assigned to the CUHK-SHFA Integrative Medical Centre in Wan Chai and/or any CUHK Chinese Medicine Clinics. Duties include...
Integrative Medical Centre in Wan Chai and/or any CUHK Chinese Medicine Clinics. Duties include (a) providing service at the... Chinese Medicine Practitioners to provide treatment and patient care; (d) assisting in the preparation of the clinic's special...
School of Chinese Medicine Project Assistant II(s) (Work location: Wan Chai) The appointee(s) will be assigned... to the CUHK-SHFA Integrative Medical Centre in Wan Chai and/or any CUHK Chinese Medicine Clinics. Duties include...