software to support Astrid’s electrical protection products. R&D Engineer / Electronic Engineer Job Description Design... and development of electronics product Work cover the development process from product definition to product launch to themarket...
software to support Astrid’s electrical protection products. R&D Engineer / Electronic Engineer Job Description Design... and development of electronics product Work cover the development process from product definition to product launch to themarket...
職責: 負責電子系統及電氣設備的安裝、維護及保養 執行電子設備的維修、測試及焊錫工作 要求: 具備 2 年或以上 相關工作經驗 學歷不限,持有機電工程文憑或相關資歷者優先考慮 持有 認可註冊電業工人證(REW A0/B0) 能操流利粵語,懂基本英語,具備中英文讀寫能力 具良好溝通技巧,責任感強,主動積極 福利待遇: 具競爭力的薪酬及完善的員工福利 提供專業培訓及良好晉升機會 5天半工作,享有 銀行假期 加班津貼、年終花紅 求職...