ALF Retail Hong Kong Limited Established in the 1930s as a trading business, Al-Futtaim today is one of the most diversified and progressive, privately held regional businesses headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Structured in...
Wellcome is the largest and longest established supermarket brand in Hong Kong with an extensive network of over 280 stores. Wellcome is committed to providing one-stop shopping convenience to customers through quality products at competiti...
薪金: $16,083 (九龍或新界區) / $17,083 (港島區) 工作地點: 各大商場及港鐵沿線分店 以上職位之薪金 = (底薪+津貼),每天工作8.5 小時(不包括1小時外出用膳),每月六天假期,需輪班工作 福利包括 年假、醫療津貼、超時補薪、季度津貼、生日利是、營業超額獎金及強積金等。 有意者請將履歷電郵至 或 致電2707 9363 / 2609 4363 或 WhatsApp 5208 1507 安排面試 所有資料絕對保密並只作招聘用...