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0363 WhatsApp: Address: 18/F, Tower 2, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, HK Contract IT Assistant (non-shift duty) 資訊科技..., servers, virtualization, storage, networks, infrastructure and information security. InfoTech understands complex business...
明 ”PTHK 政府博物館場地助理 (TSTSPM)” ***如合適者,同事會以Whatsapp進一步與您聯繫 要求: 1. 學士學位 2. HKDSE/HKCEE: 中文及英文達第 3/D 級或以上 3. 四年全職工作經驗,具藝術行政或資訊科技... experience, preferably in the field of arts administration or information technology and at least THREE years of working...