,網絡遍佈全港,為社區提供最全面及一站式專業醫療服務。為配合長遠發展,現誠意邀請有意投身醫護界的人士,加入我們的專業團隊。 專科醫生/ Specialist / SP Description: Ophthalmology... Requirements: Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (in relevant specialty) Registered in the Specialist Register (in...
遍佈全港,為社區提供最全面及一站式專業醫療服務。為配合長遠發展,現誠意邀請有意投身醫護界的人士,加入我們的專業團隊。 專科醫生/ Specialist / SP Description: Ophthalmology... Requirements: Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (in relevant specialty) Registered in the Specialist Register (in...
relevant specialty) Registered in the Specialist Register (in relevant specialty) of the Medical Council of Hong Kong...