103002-GA-SP-Network Security Specialist Remote. Prefers Hybrid (Lawrenceville, GA) PAY RATE: 1099 / CTC: $58-67, W2 Hourly: $55-$63, W2 Salary With Benefits: $94640-$ 108000 Role: Perform network discovery, vulnerability scanning, an...
103003-GA-SP-Physical Security Assessor PAY RATE: 1099 / CTC: $49-$58, W2 Hourly: $46-$55, W2 Salary With Benefits: $80080-$94000 Remote. Prefers Hybrid (Lawrenceville, GA) Role: Conducts physical site security surveys to identify risk...
12301-GA-SP-Lead Cybersecurity Analyst PAY RATE: 1099 / CTC: $76- $85, W2 Hourly: $72 - $80, W2 Salary With Benefits: $123760 - $138320 Can be remote. Prefers onsite Role: Leads the technical aspects of the project, including vulnera...