聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 Corporate Venture - Partnership & Alliances Social Worker III (SW III) (Contract) (Ref.:CHA/127024...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 Corporate Venture - Partnership & Alliances Social Worker III (SW III) (Contract) (Ref.:CHA/120224...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Corporate Venture - Partnership & Alliances Project Officer...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Education Services Social Worker II (A) (SW IIA) (Contract...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Continuing Care Project Officer I / Social Worker III...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Service Support Services Senior IT Support Specialist... focus on IT project management and provide project-related support to St. James' Settlement (SJS). This role plays a crucial...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Charity Services Project Officer (Contract) (Ref.:CHA/122124...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Service Support Services Information Technology Manager...-lead the IT Department of the St. James Settlement, championing the strategic use of technology to drive service innovation...
Descriptions Ref.: SWPPI/126324 RSW; Degree or above in social work Pro-active, strong interest in working with children and family Mature, excellent inter-personal skills and networking Proficiency in English and experienc...
Descriptions Ref.: WCDEC/126224 RSW, Degree in Social work or above Good command in Eng & Chin Self-motivated, innovative, dynamic, presentable, good in people management & leadership, excellent communication & interpersonal sk...
Descriptions Ref.: IFSC/125724 RSW, Degree in Social Work or above 5 passes in HKCEE [including Eng. (Syl B) and Chi.] / HKDSE 5 subjects level 2 / above (incl. Chi. and Eng.) or equivalent Good command in written and spoken En...
Descriptions Ref.:WCDEC/125624 Associate Degree or Degree holder with HKCEE 5 passes [incl. Eng (syl B), & Chin at grade E or above] or equivalent POI only consider to Degree holder with at least 2 yrs relevant exp or Associate Deg...
Descriptions Ref : EMDS /120524 Degree holder, HKDSE 5 subjects level 2 / above (incl. Chinese and English) or equivalent Experience in social services, accounting and reporting is an advantage Strong attention to detail and ac...
文良好 主動有禮,有良好溝通能力 處事獨立成熟,有良好顧客服務態度 具相關工作經驗優先 職責: 協助診所日常前台運作(主要包括登記,收費,回答客人查詢) 工作地點 : 灣仔聖雅各福群會8樓牙科診所 有意者請於31/01/2025...St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for 企業拓展-服務 兼職顧客服務員 (合約-兼職) (編號:HS/126824) 要求: 中五或以上程度,中英...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 企業拓展-服務 牙科助護 (合約-兼職) (編號:HS/126724) 要求: 中五或以上程度,中英文良好 主動有禮,有良好溝通能力 處事獨立成熟,有良好顧客服務態度 具相...關牙科工作經驗優先 職責: 協助牙醫在治療前後和手術過程中照顧病人 在診室內執行預防感染程序,清潔及消毒牙科用具,妥善整理物料等 協助診所日常運作 工作地點 : 灣仔聖雅各福群會8樓牙科診所 有意者請於31/01/2025或之前,函附...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 青年服務 兼職學校課託導師 (合約-兼職) (編號:HWIT/127224) 要求: DSE畢業(5科2)或同等或以上學歷 盡責、守時、細心、有幹勁及良好溝通技巧 具兒童服務經驗或對SEN...日及公眾假期) 有意者請於31/01/2025或之前,函附履歷電郵至[email redacted, apply via Company website],或郵寄至柴灣興華二邨商場平台 - 聖雅各福群會賽馬會青萌柴灣綜合服務中心。 **本會...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 復康服務 社區共融幹事 (RW II) (合約) (編號:RS/126024) 要求: 香港中學會考 / 文憑考試5科達2級程度或以上(包括中/英文)或同等學歷 具備至少3年或...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 持續照顧服務 登記護士 (EN) (合約) (編號:SRH/124124) 要求 : 持登記護士證書及有效執業證書 香港中學會考五科合格,包括中文、英文(課程乙)科 具安...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 家庭及輔導服務 家務指導員 (HCWI) (合約) (編號:IFSC/124224) 要求: 中三程度,兩年相關工作經驗,具有家務管理、烹飪及幼兒照顧的技能 有責任感、愛心、耐性、以及...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 持續照顧服務 三級項目主任 (PO III) (合約) (編號:CWDEC/122324) 要求 : 中學會考五科合格(包括中文及英文課程乙)或同等學歷 熟識電腦文書操作 有責任感、敢於...