聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 Corporate Venture - Partnership & Alliances Social Worker III (SW III) (Contract) (Ref.:CHA/120224...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Education Services Social Worker II (A) (SW IIA) (Contract...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Continuing Care Project Officer I / Social Worker III...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Service Support Services Senior IT Support Specialist... focus on IT project management and provide project-related support to St. James' Settlement (SJS). This role plays a crucial...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Charity Services Project Officer (Contract) (Ref.:CHA/122124...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Service Support Services Information Technology Manager...-lead the IT Department of the St. James Settlement, championing the strategic use of technology to drive service innovation...
St. James' Settlement Invites interested persons for Education Service Social Worker II (A) (SW IIA) (Contract...
Descriptions Ref.: SWPPI/126324 RSW; Degree or above in social work Pro-active, strong interest in working with children and family Mature, excellent inter-personal skills and networking Proficiency in English and experienc...
Descriptions Ref.: WCDEC/126224 RSW, Degree in Social work or above Good command in Eng & Chin Self-motivated, innovative, dynamic, presentable, good in people management & leadership, excellent communication & interpersonal sk...
Descriptions Ref.: IFSC/125724 RSW, Degree in Social Work or above 5 passes in HKCEE [including Eng. (Syl B) and Chi.] / HKDSE 5 subjects level 2 / above (incl. Chi. and Eng.) or equivalent Good command in written and spoken En...
Descriptions Ref.:WCDEC/125624 Associate Degree or Degree holder with HKCEE 5 passes [incl. Eng (syl B), & Chin at grade E or above] or equivalent POI only consider to Degree holder with at least 2 yrs relevant exp or Associate Deg...
Descriptions Ref.: CWDEC/122224 SW III : RSW, Associate Degree or Degree holder with HKCEE 5 passes [incl. Eng (syl B), & Chin at grade E or above] or equivalent PO I : Only consider to Degree holder with at least 2 years of releva...
Descriptions Ref : EMDS /120524 Degree holder, HKDSE 5 subjects level 2 / above (incl. Chinese and English) or equivalent Experience in social services, accounting and reporting is an advantage Strong attention to detail and ac...
Recruit Ref: R9810352 Posting Date: 2024-12-12 St. James' Settlement 聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 Social Worker III / Project...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 復康服務 社區共融幹事 (RW II) (合約) (編號:RS/126024) 要求: 香港中學會考 / 文憑考試5科達2級程度或以上(包括中/英文)或同等學歷 具備至少3年或...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 社區中心服務 服務主管 (SW IIA) (合約) (編號:GC/124324) 要求: 持認可社會工作學士或以上學歷、註冊社會工作者香港中學會考五科合格,包括中、英文(乙)或同等學歷 具服...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 持續照顧服務 項目主任 (PO III) (合約) (編號:HUBBA/122724) 要求 : 需持文憑或副學士或以上同等學歷或 中五程度或以上(香港中學會考五科合格,包括中文、英文(課程...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 持續照顧服務 三級項目主任 (PO III) (合約) (編號:CWDEC/122324) 要求 : 中學會考五科合格(包括中文及英文課程乙)或同等學歷 熟識電腦文書操作 有責任感、敢於...
聖雅各福群會 誠聘以下職位 持續照顧服務 二級項目主任 (PO II) (合約) (編號:HUBBA/122624) 要求 : 副學士/文憑或以上學歷 香港中學會考五科合格,包括中文、英文(課程乙)科 具兩...
Descriptions 編號:FSP/126424 註冊社工,持社會工作副學士、文憑或以上學歷,擁有社會工作學位者優先考慮 中學會考 / 新高中文憑五科合格,包括:中文及英文 (課程乙) 良好中英文書寫能力,需撰寫服務計劃書及報告 具愛心、主動、處事成熟獨立、肯承擔及容易與人合作及富責任感 負責策劃及推行「後顧無憂規劃服務」 關顧後顧無憂規劃服務的服務對象,提供情緒及實務支援 為長者作生死教育及生前規劃 協助...