related content for Social Medial platforms A sub-degree (Associate Degree or Diploma) holder or above in social science... Office tools and social media (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) Work Location : Wanchai, Hong Kong Eastern, Tsing Yi...
In 1978, under the commission of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (BOKSS... well-being of the person as a whole". We aim to provide social services to the community through the blend of Christian...
rooted in Hong Kong, our mission is to stimulate the extension of self-help and mutual support, promote social equity... welfare, rehabilitation, mainland services, education, health care and social enterprise. Please visit our website at https...
worker Degree in Social Work for PTCCW-ASWO or Diploma in Social Work for PTCCW-SWA Ability to speak & write Chinese...We are a Catholic multi-service social welfare agency. Applications are invited for the following vacancy: Family...
Requirements : Registered social worker with a Diploma in Social Work for SWA; ability to speak & write Chinese and English...We are a Catholic multi-service social welfare agency. Applications are invited for the above post...
Period : 1-year renewable contract Requirements : Registered social worker; Degree in Social Work for PTCCW-ASWO...We are a Catholic multi-service social welfare agency. Applications are invited for the above post...
Requirements : Registered social worker with a Degree in Social Work for ASWO; ability to speak & write Chinese and English...We are a Catholic multi-service social welfare agency. Applications are invited for the above post...
Language OR 5 subjects obtained Level 2 or above in HKDSEE, including English and Chinese. Diploma in social work, nursing...
to psychological and social difficulties for people's emotions ● Able to work in a multicultural environment ● Must have right...
projects and services over the years, including setting up multi-disciplinary social support teams in our own estates.... Diploma in social work, nursing or other healthcare related disciplines an advantage. Minimum 2 years relevant experience...
community work for transitional social housing and sub-divided flats; Assist to recruit tenants by outreaching and identifying... transitional social housing tenants; Assist to build up community network for the tenants; Assist tenants foster mutual support...
Language OR 5 subjects obtained Level 2 or above in HKDSEE, including English and Chinese. Diploma in social work, nursing...
Language OR 5 subjects obtained Level 2 or above in HKDSEE, including English and Chinese. Diploma in social work, nursing...
community. WJCS runs 23 service units and a social enterprise known as Wai Ji Hong Yip. 工作地點:展能中心/宿舍/綜合職業康復服務中心 (美田邨) 履歷...
松齡護老集團創辦於1989年,是香港最具聲譽的護老品牌之一。尊重和關愛是與長者相處之道,「敬老如親」是松齡每一位員工抱着的理念。現誠聘有志參與安老服務人士加入,以「敬老如親」的理念共同努力,不斷進步,為安老服務行業帶來更多正向改變,讓每位長者感受到院舍生活也能愉快溫馨。 有關松齡護老集團資料可參閱本機構網站 松齡護老集團擁有富有活力及上進心的積極員工,並時刻準備著為安老服務行業帶來更多正向改變的員工。我們非常...
協康會創立於1963年,是香港最具規模的兒童教育及康復機構之一,致力為不同潛質的兒童及青年提供專業評估、輔導及訓練,讓他們盡展所能;並支援其家庭,締造平等融和的社會。協康會1,300人的團隊,透過直屬60多個服務單位、到校支援主流中小學和幼稚園,每年服務超過15,000個家庭。 職責: 負責為到校學前康復服務的學童及其家庭提供支援服務 資歷: 須為註冊社會工作者及持認可社會工作學位 具管理及家長工作經驗者優先 一星期工作3-4日,需要返星期六 有意者...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有香港認可社會工作文憑或以上,並已登記成為註冊社工 對長者工作有熱誠,能獨立工作,有責任心 為家居體弱長者提供評估、輔導情緒支援、護老者支援及協助活動等 本會將會為...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有香港認可社會工作文憑或以上,並已登記成為註冊社工 對長者工作有熱誠,能獨立工作,有責任心 為家居體弱長者提供評估、輔導情緒支援、護老者支援及協助活動等 本會將會為合...