Job Responsibilities Responsible for routine clinical duties and medical administration Provide professional nursing support (Include blood taking & vene-puncture) Administer vaccinations and execute all activities necessary for any in-...
The sucessful candidate will be responsible for providing patient care and administrative support to the clinical team, and will assist in the daily operation of the centre. Requirements: - a valid practising certificate issued by the N...
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics Part-time Nurse/Assistant Nurse The appointee will be responsible... assessment, blood-taking and project/data management. Applicants should be/have (i) registered nurses or enrolled nurses...
platform to deliver a growing range of primary care initiatives. We are seeking a registered nurse experienced in the operation...Nurse in the HKU Health System of the LKS Faculty of Medicine (Ref.: 530909) (to commence as soon as possible, on a two...
Nurse (holding the functional title of Research Nurse) in the School of Nursing (Ref.: 530863) (to commence... should possess a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, and be registered with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong. Preference will be given...
platform to deliver a growing range of primary care initiatives. We are seeking a registered nurse experienced in the operation...Nurse in the HKU Health System of the LKS Faculty of Medicine (Ref.: 530909) (to commence as soon as possible, on a two...
Department of Paediatrics Full-time/ Part-time Nurse The appointee will work at the Prince of Wales Hospital... or public holidays may be required. No night-time shift will be required. Applicants should be/have (i) registered nurses...
is a must for Registered Nurse and preferred for Enrolled Nurse; 1+ year clinical experience for Enrolled Nurse and 3+ years' experience... in Hemodialysis for Registered Nurse Strong commitment to patient, reliable & diligent, willing to learn; Good command of English...
-registration experience in a Nursing Home or a Hospital Geriatric/ Palliative Unit as Registered Nurse Good command of spoken...
Nurse (holding a functional title of Research Nurse) in the School of Public Health (Ref.: 530757) (to commence... and funding availability) Applicants should be registered with the Hong Kong Nursing Council or equivalent, and possess...
Part-time Nurse (holding the functional title of Research Nurse) (several posts) in the School of Nursing (Ref.: 530596... performance) Applicants should possess a Bachelor's degree or above in Nursing, and be registered with the Nursing Council...
career with us, welcome to join our team! Requirements: - Registered with The Nursing Council of Hong Kong and possess...
賽馬會流金匯是由香港中文大學管理,以跨專業團隊,提供一站式身心健康管理綜合服務,並設有長者日間護理中心。為配合服務發展,現徵聘上述職位。 Descriptions Ref.: JCCH-RN/EN-250101 中學會考 / 文憑試中英文科合格 持有香港認可註冊 / 登記護士證書及有效執業證書 提供護理、個案管理、小組訓練、照顧者支援等職責 協調日間中心的日常運作 具護理腦退化長者服務工作經驗優先考慮 無需輪班...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊護士證書及有效之執業證書 負責為長者提供護理服務 另加“每月$800長夜晚期照顧津貼” 工作地點︰將軍澳 (鄰近靈實醫院) 本會將會為合適的應徵...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊護士證書及有效之執業證書 負責為長者提供護理服務 工作地點:西貢蠔涌 (鑽石山、九龍灣、將軍澳區有巴士/小巴直達) 本會將會為合適的應徵者提供以下...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊/登記護士證書及有效之執業證書 負責為長者提供護理服務,協助院舍行政工作;須輪班 歡迎應屆畢業生申請 工作地點︰將軍澳(鄰近靈實醫院) 本會將會...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊/ 登記護士證書及有效之執業證書 有責任心,能獨立工作 為長者提供家訪、個案管理、策劃及執行護理計劃、護老者支援及為前線職員提供訓練等 日間工作,無需...
誠邀具承擔及富經驗人士參與我們的工作,與一個重視人的價值、富有使命感的群體,一起實踐靈實的異象和使命、提供全人關懷,以及傳揚福音。靈實致力栽培同工,為同工提供在職培訓,給予涉獵不同工種及服務類別的機會,藉此擴闊視野,讓靈實成為一個讓同工成長及並肩服事的地方。 齊來參與我們的工作,並肩服事及成長。 持有認可香港註冊護士證書及有效之執業證書; 負責為長者提供護理服務,協助院舍行政工作;須輪班 工作地點︰鄰近坑口港鐵站 本會將會為合適的應徵者提供以下薪酬福利,包...
香港基督教女青年會 (擔保有限公司) 創立於1920年,是歷史最悠久的婦女團體,現已發展成為一個領先的社會服務機構,為有需要人士提供廣泛的服務,包括:婦女與家庭、長者及社區健康、青年發展、教育等。女青於全港設有100多個服務單位及項目,每年有超過3百萬人次受惠於我們的優質服務。有關香港基督教女青年會的其他資料,請瀏覽:。 我們誠邀合資格人士應徵以上職位: 主要職責 擔任護理安老院之護理主任,負責管理院舍之護理服務發展 ...