职位概述 about the company. This is a global leading company in the fields of lithium-ion batteries and new energy. Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the development of lithium battery new energy business, customer development, est...
职位概述 Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the team's project management, formulation and supervision of work plans, assisting the team's external communication and problem solving, promoting the team to complete work efficiently and with...
职位概述 about the job. 1. Responsible for the team's project management, formulation and supervision of work plans, assisting the team's external communication and problem solving, promoting the team to complete work efficiently and with hi...
职位概述 about the company. Global Consumer Company about the team. Mature Team about the job. To create annual and half-yearly global media communication strategy which can support the development of tech brand image. To create globa...
and as a person. The benefits of working with Randstad and Teachanywhere include: Exclusive roles CV support Interview preparation...
they are most likely to thrive professionally and as a person. The benefits of working with Randstad and Teachanywhere include: Exclusive...
world they are most likely to thrive professionally and as a person. The benefits of working with Randstad and Teachanywhere...
and as a person. The benefits of working with Randstad and Teachanywhere include: Exclusive roles CV support Interview Preparation...
with Randstad and Teachanywhere include: Exclusive roles CV support Interview preparation Contract review A dedicated...
and as a person. The benefits of working with Randstad and Teachanywhere include: Exclusive roles CV support Interview preparation...
职位概述 about the company. 致力于智能制造装备及其关键器件的研发 about the team. 成熟高质量团队 about the job. 高功率连续光纤的研发; 解决专业领域内复杂的、重大的问题; 制定相关的标准和流程; skills and experience required. 硕士及以上学历,相关专业; 六年以上开发经验; 技术管理经验; ......
职位概述 about the company. 致力于智能制造装备及其关键器件的研发 about the team. 成熟高质量团队 about the job. 全责负责泵浦源产品的研发、工程、供应链管理工作; 研发的可行性研究; 产品转产的工程化; skills and experience required. 泵浦源产品研发项目管理或团队管理经验; 熟悉半导体激光芯片封装技术; 光机电一体化系统设计经验; ......
职位概述 岗位职责: -负责钣金厂的生产、工程、质量、运营、综合部门的管理; -组织内部和外部资源解决影响部门年度目标的难题,如工艺、设备、IE等; -搭建钣金厂人才培养计划、方案、对策并落地实施人才梯队以支撑公司业务发展; -推动和实现钣金厂相关业务流程优化和信息化; -制定团队绩效考核方法和指标,达成部门年度目标; -承接新产品导入从小批量到量产的主导,确保新产品在转批量前满足可批量性制造和品质一致性; 任职条件: -专科及以上学历,光电、机械等相关...
职位概述 about the company. 时尚行业 about the team. 海外电商 about the job. 1,商品规划:根据公司的销售目标、市场趋势和客户需求,制定合理的产品采购计划,包括确定采购的款式、数量、尺码分布等,确保商品组合丰富多样,能满足不同客户群体的需求 2,选品与采购:负责挑选符合公司定位和市场需求的产品款式。与供应商协商采购价格、交货期、付款方式等条款,争取最有利的采购条件,以控制采购成本,提高产品的利润空间。...
职位概述 工作职责: 1、负责医疗及儿保中心(该中心针对疾病治疗及儿童保健,包含儿科、儿保、内科、耳鼻喉科等科室)跟诊,完成发药、治疗等日常护理操作; 2、协助护士长参与诊所管理,如药品、耗材申领,诊所物资盘点、管理等; 3、参与门诊持续质量和流程改善。 任职资格: 1、必备项:大专及以上学历 3年及以上二级医院或高端连锁私立医疗机构工作经历,接受儿科儿保科室工作,喜欢小朋友; 2、必备项:具备高度服务意识,良好的沟通能力,有亲和力,责任心强; 3、必备项...
职位概述 about the company. 小家电产品,产研销一体化 about the team. 市场团队 about the job. 1、负责输出品牌全年营销策略:梳理品牌核心价值,负责品牌定位、品牌营销、品牌保护、品牌视觉等; 2、负责制定海外市场推广策略,有效整合内外部资源,制定整体营销包装方案及推广计划,带领团队执行落地; 3、负责海外社媒营销管理,结合新品推广、创意热点话题,合作海外达人,增强用户心智; 4、异业沟通与合作,...
职位概述 about the company. 头部互联网公司 about the team. 投放中心 about the job. 1、带领投放团队,负责信息流广告投放工作,对新增量级、获客成本、ROI直接负责; 2、根据产品特点及用户属性,深入洞察分析用户需求,制定精准投放策略,把控控投放节奏,规划推广预算与成本,确保投放效果达成; 3、对渠道数据进行实时监控和分析,及时优化调整策略,推动用户增长,提升投放ROI; 4、了解业内新的推广模...
职位概述 岗位职责: 1、负责主导AI大模型相关项目的采购策略,并具体执行; 2、与公司相关业务部门中高层的业务主管进行沟通,组建跨部门项目组,主导制定重大软件项目的采购策略;并能独立执行流程、组织供应商商务谈判、认证及项目供应商选择; 3、能够根据业务发展规划,制定/不断优化采购策略、建立维护并完善采购商务成本基线,明确业务发展对应资源的战略诉求,制定前瞻性的资源发展策略。 岗位要求: 1、3年以上相关从业经验,有AI/大模型项目采购经验者优先,售前/SA有...
职位概述 岗位职责: 1. 负责诊所内的接待、分诊、引导、费用结算和部分预约工作; 2. 关注客户需求,与医生、护士和检验师等医疗团队紧密衔接配合,向患者和家属提供非医学性质的服务,及时有效地解决或反馈客户需要解决的问题或产生的投诉; 3. 有针对性的推介会员计划或优惠套餐等,在保障客户体验的前提下,支撑经营目标的达成; 4. 检查和维护诊所内的服务设施设备、宣传品、易耗品和物品的摆放和使用,保障诊所正常运行; 5. 及时反馈日常工作及服务客户过程中识别出的问题...
职位概述 about the company. The company is the market leader in cross border payments for ecommerce, B2B trade, and mobile applications Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for creating and implementing brand and PR communication strategy and...