research and development (R&D) projects and team. In this role you will be responsible for leading the clinical research... and development (R&D) team, serve as project manager, and perform research activities. You will also be responsible for supporting the...
critical timelines. This work is interdisciplinary and involves collaboration with lab scientists, R&D scientists and the... and on-premises environments. Lead Bioinformatics Team: Lead the team of bioinformatics scientists and monitor their R&D progress...
work (Mon- Fri) from 9:00 to 18:00 角色目的: Responsible for handling of the Mega Project in HVAC & R Assist the senior...
work (Mon- Fri) from 9:00 to 18:00 角色目的: Responsible for handling of the Mega Project in HVAC & R Assist the senior...
目的: Responsible for handling of the Mega Project in HVAC & R manage a project team to handle the technical and drawing submissions...
is the name of our game! Our DNA is P-R-E-N-E-T-I-C-S. Get to know us; Get to know our DNA! Passion - You love...
supervision Willing to work over night R-20241106-0053...
is the name of our game! Our DNA is P-R-E-N-E-T-I-C-S. Get to know us; Get to know our DNA! Passion - You love...
. Inclusivity is the name of our game! Our DNA is P-R-E-N-E-T-I-C-S. Get to know us; Get to know our DNA! Passion - You love...
: Corvil Latency Management Platform, Endace Probes, nPulse Hammerhead probes;C Packet Certifications: CCIE R&S or equivalent...
蓬勃社區及為我們的持份者確保持續增長的價值為傲。我們著重創意的企業文化,引領我們創制更多嶄新的體驗。 工作職責 負責保養、維修及操作商場及商業大廈中央冷氣系統 具備兩年以上中央冷氣系統操作或維修經驗 須持有效建造業平安咭 持有機電工程署發出之A牌或R牌 持有...
保養、維修及操作商場及商業大廈中央冷氣系統,協助監督承辦商及技術員之工作 入職要求 具備五年以上相關工作經驗 持有機電工程署發出之A牌或R牌,及建造業平安咭 持有機電、機械維修或相關技工證書者優先考慮 操流利粵語及略懂英語,懂基...
須持有註冊電工A 牌或R 牌、平安卡 具機械設備、電氣裝置、水泵或排水系統,及中央冷氣機房操作等經驗 每週工作6 天(長短週),每天工作9.5 小時,需輪班 本公司提供優厚薪酬及完善福利,包括有薪年假12 天、酌情花紅、醫療...
職責 : 負責醫院空調系統及冷凝裝置的維修及保養 負責一般設施維修及保養 需輪班工作 執行由上司所指派的其他職務 資歷 : 中三或以上程度 流利廣東話,閱讀及書寫中文及簡單英文 持有效電工A牌或R牌...
日常機電操作及在故障時執行應變措施,並向上級匯報 需輪班工作 執行上級指派的其他職務 資歷 : 能讀寫中文及簡單英文,操流利粵語及簡單英文 具五年或以上機電設備維修及安裝經驗 持有效電工A/R牌或持有自動火管式鍋爐牌、水喉牌或消防第三級牌 懂一...
應徵的求職者,可Whatsapp 5195 1706或電郵[email redacted, apply via Company website]申請 (***所有... (***所有求職者提供之個人資料絕對保密及只作招聘用途***) 如有任何查詢,可致電人力資源部3962 1190 詳細資料可參閱我們公司的網站
方法: 有意應徵的求職者,可Whatsapp 5195 1706或電郵[email redacted, apply via Company website]申請
應徵的求職者,可Whatsapp 5195 1706或電郵[email redacted, apply via Company website]申請 (***所有... (***所有求職者提供之個人資料絕對保密及只作招聘用途***) 如有任何查詢,可致電人力資源部3962 1190 詳細資料可參閱我們公司的網站:www.kabu...