of Educational Development, plans and facilitates an after-school course centered around anime for elementary, middle, and/or high...Job Title: Anime Club Teacher (Part Time) General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Director...
consists of over 7,000 elementary, middle, and high school students in East Palo Alto, Oakland, San Francisco, San Lorenzo, San...Elective Teacher (Art, Music, Computer Science, Drama/Theater - Elementary - San Francisco (25-26) 2025-26 Teaching...
:00 p.m. on any given workday. Project Time: Teach 90-minute blocks in high school or four 55-minute blocks in middle...Temporary English Teacher Duration: 3/3/2025 - 6/9/2025 Location: Daly City, California Who...
, or an equivalent combination of education and experience Five years of science teaching experience at the middle or high school level... for teachers and leaders in science education that promote inquiry-rich and justice-centered teaching and learning. The Teacher...
, or an equivalent combination of education and experience Five years of science teaching experience at the middle or high school level... for teachers and leaders in science education that promote inquiry-rich and justice-centered teaching and learning. The Teacher...
Education program at our 4 Bay Area middle and high schools. Reporting to the Principal the Learning Specialist will lead... for candidates applying to work in our San Francisco school WHO WE ARE Our mission is to transform the lives of students...
we have for our teachers and their dedication to students Our student community consists of over 7,000 elementary, middle, and high school..., inclusive classroom community. Support and Collaboration: Our teachers work closely with the school's Leadership Team...
we have for our teachers and their dedication to students Our student community consists of over 7,000 elementary, middle, and high school..., inclusive classroom community. Support and Collaboration: Our teachers work closely with the school's Leadership Team...
we have for our teachers and their dedication to students Our student community consists of over 7,000 elementary, middle, and high school..., inclusive classroom community. Support and Collaboration: Our teachers work closely with the school's Leadership Team...
we have for our teachers and their dedication to students Our student community consists of over 7,000 elementary, middle, and high school..., inclusive classroom community. Support and Collaboration: Our teachers work closely with the school's Leadership Team...
, International Baccalaureate (Early, Primary and Middle Years) and Italian Language Immersion school in the world. Teachers...Company Description Company Description La Scuola International School is the only Reggio Emilia inspired...
practices with groups and whole classes. Lead and co-teach SEL classes for Middle School students alongside another Wellness...POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Student Wellness Coach, SUMMER 2025 LOCATION: Horizons at San Francisco Friends School...
is a master teacher and mentor who is passionate about teaching, learning, school culture, and student wellness. KEY...Envision Schools is growing our pool of future Vice Principals at our middle and high schools in Hayward, Oakland...
to student learning outcomes at the university level and at other levels of education such as high school, middle school...Department/School Name: Asian American Studies Area of Specialization: Japanese American/Nikkei Studies Rank...
to student learning outcomes at the university level and at other levels of education such as high school, middle school...Department/School Name: Asian American Studies Area of Specialization: Japanese American/Nikkei Studies Rank...