Hong Chi Association was founded in 1965 and one of the largest non-profit organisations dedicated solely to serving....” to: Communications and Fund Raising Office, Hong Chi Association, Room 705, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road...
Hong Chi Association was founded in 1965 and one of the largest non-profit organisations dedicated solely to serving....” to: Communications and Fund Raising Office, Hong Chi Association, Room 705, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road...
匡智會是專為智障人士服務的非牟利機構,為不同年齡及智障程度人士及其家庭提供全面服務。 Descriptions 編號:SVRI(MTK)/16/10/24/M 職責範圍: 協助推行智障人士職業復康訓練,如使用電腦器材製作工藝品 / 包裝生產線 / 汽車美容訓練等 負責策劃及帶領小組訓練及社交活動 申請資格: 大專或以上程度 具訓練智障人士 / 精神復康服務工作等經驗優先 能閱讀書寫中英文及操流利廣東話 熟悉電腦操作...