Established in 1963, Heep Hong Society is a leading children education and rehabilitation organisation committed... contributing to an inclusive society. Our 1,300+ strong team serve more than 15,000 families every year at over 60 service units...
Established in 1963, Heep Hong Society is a leading children education and rehabilitation organisation committed... contributing to an inclusive society. Our 1,300+ strong team serve more than 15,000 families every year at over 60 service units...
Established in 1963, Heep Hong Society is a leading children education and rehabilitation organisation committed... contributing to an inclusive society. Our 1,300+ strong team serve more than 15,000 families every year at over 60 service units...
Established in 1963, Heep Hong Society is a leading children education and rehabilitation organisation committed... studies To assist in coordinating and supporting for conferences and programmes organised by Heep Hong Society, including the...
Established in 1963, Heep Hong Society is a leading children education and rehabilitation organisation committed... contributing to an inclusive society. Our 1,300+ strong team serve more than 15,000 families every year at over 60 service units...
Established in 1963, Heep Hong Society is a leading children education and rehabilitation organisation committed... contributing to an inclusive society. Our 1,300+ strong team serve more than 15,000 families every year at over 60 service units...
Established in 1963, Heep Hong Society is a leading children education and rehabilitation organisation committed... contributing to an inclusive society. Our 1,300+ strong team serve more than 15,000 families every year at over 60 service units...
Responsibilities Assist in preparing and conducting group activities and programmes, publicity and promotional work, training and various activities, including but not limited to those for ethnic monitories (EMs) Assist in providing simp...
職責 負責為中心有特殊需要兒童提供訓練 資歷 須為註冊幼兒工作員 考獲中學會考兩科合格或中學文憑試兩科達二級或以上 具教授特殊需要兒童及家長工作經驗優先 有意者請將履歷表及要求待遇電郵至 . (申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。)...
職責 負責為中心學童及其家庭提供支援服務 負責「為低收入的殘疾人士照顧者提供生活津貼試驗計劃」個案工作 資歷 推行不同類型的服務如治療性小組、互助小組、工作坊、親子活動等 須為註冊社會工作者及持認可社會工作文憑或學位 具特殊兒童及家長工作經驗者優先 有意者請將履歷表及要求待遇電郵至 . (申請人所提供的資料將予保密及只作招聘有關職位用途。)...
職責 負責協助治療師推行個別及小組訓練活動、製作及修改有關輔助器材、撰寫簡單的兒童進度報告 資歷 中學程度,懂英語及基本電腦文書知識 具製衣或設計等訓練證書及具協助兒童訓練經驗,熟悉一般縫紉及維修工作優先考慮 福利: 15天有薪年假 人壽保險 醫療保險(門診及住院) 進修假 恩恤假 婚假 侍產假 生日假 銀行假期 工作時間:(每週5天半) 星期一至五:上午8時30分至下午5時45分 星期六:上午9時下午12:00 長短週 ...
協康會創立於1963年,是香港最具規模的兒童教育及康復機構之一,致力為不同潛質的兒童及青年提供專業評估、輔導及訓練,讓他們盡展所能;並支援其家庭,締造平等融和的社會。協康會1,300人的團隊,透過直屬60多個服務單位、到校支援主流中小學和幼稚園,每年服務超過15,000個家庭。 職責: 負責為中心學童及其家庭提供支援服務 負責「為低收入的殘疾人士照顧者提供生活津貼試驗計劃」個案工作 資歷: 推行不同類型的服務如治療性小組、互助小組、工作坊、親子活動等 須為...
誠聘上述合約職位 Descriptions 負責為中心學童及其家庭提供支援服務 負責「為低收入的殘疾人士照顧者提供生活津貼試驗計劃」個案工作 推行不同類型的服務如治療性小組、互助小組、工作坊、親子活動等 須為註冊社會工作者及持認可社會工作文憑或學位 具特殊兒童及家長工作經驗者優先 本會重視人材培育,為員工提供持續專業在職培訓。全職員工可享有薪年假 12-21 天 (社會工作員、教師、護士及治療師等 18 天起)、公眾假期、生日假...