Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre, STC, was established in 1963, the first independent and not-for-profit Testing..., Inspection and Certification organization in Hong Kong, committed to providing professional, reliable and comprehensive testing...
Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre, STC, was established in 1963, the first independent and not-for-profit Testing..., Inspection and Certification organization in Hong Kong, committed to providing professional, reliable and comprehensive testing...
Sexual Conviction Record Check operated by the Hong Kong Police Force. Further information about the University...Project Title: Exploring the Role of Cultural and Social Capital in Inequalities of Children's Arts Education...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
Territories of Hong Kong! We are currently seeking two/three FULL-TIME Native English speakers, who have a passion for teaching... where children can grow and learn English. Here we believe that children learn far more efficiently when they are enjoying...
water in Hong Kong. Over the years, our purpose of “We Care” has driven us to continuously innovate and improve our products.... As one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water globally, Watsons Water operates production plants in Hong Kong...
本處正籌辦留宿幼兒中心,協助有急切照顧需要的幼童。愛是無處不在,我們誠邀你加入我們的團隊,將愛傳給小朋友,給予兒童安全而有尊嚴的照顧,攜手創建一個幸福中轉站,培育兒童自信地迎接未來。 入職要求: 香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考五科考獲第 2 級 / E 級或具備同等學歷;熟悉電腦操作,例如設計軟件、影片製作軟件。 職責: 協助推行活動、文書及接待處工作;須輪值及外勤工作。 工作地點: 大埔區 有意者需於兩星期內把書面申請(連同期望薪酬)、履歷及已填妥的職位申請...
本處正籌辦留宿幼兒中心,協助有急切照顧需要的幼童。愛是無處不在,我們誠邀你加入我們的團隊,將愛傳給小朋友,給予兒童安全而有尊嚴的照顧,攜手創建一個幸福中轉站,培育兒童自信地迎接未來。 入職要求: 註冊社工;持有認可之社會工作文憑 / 副學士或以上學歷;香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考中國語文、英國語文考獲第 2 級 / E 級或具備同等學歷。 職責: 以多元化技巧提供專業社會工作服務予青少年及家庭,包括個案輔導工作、舉辦支援小組及社區活動及以外展形式工作。外展服務須深宵...
Descriptions 職位編號:YOT/PO 入職要求: 香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考五科考獲第 2 級 / E 級或具備同等學歷;熟悉電腦操作,例如設計軟件、影片製作軟件。 職責: 協助推行活動、文書及接待處工作;須輪值及外勤工作。 工作地點:大埔區...
Descriptions 職位編號:CYST/RSW 入職要求: 註冊社工,持有認可之社會工作文憑 / 副學士或以上學歷;香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考中國語文、英國語文考獲第 2 級 / E 級或具備同等學歷。 職責: 以多元化技巧於線上及線下提供專業社會工作服務予兒童、青少年及其家庭,包括舉辦小組及活動、支援到校服務等;須輪值工作。 工作地點:沙田區...
香港青少年服務處 誠 聘 職 員 入職要求: 持有本地大學言語及聽覺科學學位或同等程度;已註冊為香港言語治療師公會會員者優先考慮;具良好溝通及協調能力。 職責: 為家居照顧服務及日間護理中心體弱長者提供言語治療服務,包括評估、協助制定及推行個人照顧計劃等工作;為照顧者及職員提供言語治療培訓。 工作地點: 大埔區及沙田區 有意者需於兩星期內把書面申請(連同期望薪酬)、履歷及已填妥的職位申請表,經網上提交或郵寄至香港北角百福道二十一號十六樓。職位申請表可於本處...