to come to work every day. Most importantly, we’ll give you Room to be yourself. And because the Holiday Inn brand belongs to the..., and respond promptly and tactfully to requests and enquiries Providing Food and Beverage service to guest when...
’ang Court 唐閣 Guest Relations Officer 客務關係主任 Senior Captain 資深部長 Captain / Server 部長 / 侍應 Western Kitchen 西餐廚房 Chef...閲以上不同空缺機會,有意者請於當天指定時間親臨酒店,分享你的發展熱誠。如有進一步提問,可於辦公時間致電2378-9385向人力資源部作查詢,我們期待當天跟你一起面談,到時見。 Staff Benefits 員工福利 5-Day Work Week 5天工...