of our professional services continuously to satisfy the needs of customers and patients. 工作職責: 負責配藥, 點算 及 適當保存藥物 向患者解釋藥物劑量、注意...事項及副作用 協助收費結帳 工作要求: 配藥研究/製藥技術高級文憑或同等學歷,或藥學理學士 能操流利廣東話、英文及普通話 歡迎應屆畢業生、海外藥劑師、有配藥經驗之人士 申請 有1年相關經驗者優先 每週工作44.5小時 (沒有...
Mannings is the leading health and beauty chain in Hong Kong with over 340 stores, territory-wide. Our trusted reputation is based on Mannings’ commitment to improve customer health and personal care, leading to ten consecutive years of bei...
Job responsibilities : Assist daily pharmacy operations and inventory control Prepare and dispense vaccines and drugs accurately and efficiently according to the prescriptions; Handle various kind of vaccines and drugs properly and acco...
Job responsibilities : Assist daily pharmacy operations and inventory control Prepare and dispense vaccines and drugs accurately and efficiently according to the prescriptions; Handle various kind of vaccines and drugs properly and acco...
東華三院是本港規模最龐大的慈善機構。目前,東華提供給市民的服務有醫療及衛生服務、教育服務和社會福利服務,服務單位合共超過360個,分佈港、九及新界。 Job Highlights 中五或以上程度、持有職業訓練局頒發認可配藥...學證書及三年在職訓練、認可製藥及配藥高級文憑、藥劑學學位或同等學歷 職責: 負責護養院內的藥物管理、監察及配藥;須輪班。 服務類別: 安老服務 入職要求: 中五或以上程度、持有職業訓練局頒發認可配藥學證書及三年在職訓練、認可製藥及配藥...
藥物儲藏及銷毀;聯絡相關醫護人員及機構 要求 持認可之配藥學證書/制藥或配藥高級文憑 良好中英文;熟悉MS Office及中英文輸入 福利包括有薪假期 (年假、銀行假期、產假 / 侍產假、進修假期);進修津貼、醫療保險及津貼、強積...