及時雨信貸有限公司成立於2009年,建基香港,在香港特區持有放債人牌照的公司,利用自有的資金,本著「濟急連環,潤物無聲」的宗旨,提供多元化的信貸服務,竭力滿足普羅大衆在財務上的需要。 為不斷提升優質信貸服務,本公司廣泛招聘不同種類人材。除聘用在財務或金融領域上擁有豐富經驗的團隊外,本公司也樂意招聘剛畢業人士加入我們的大家庭,建立一個優越和專業的信貸服務機構,達至「客戶所需」。 職責: 處理及核對貸款申請,負責分行客戶服務工作及解答客戶查詢 負責信貸評估及貸款批核...
辦公室文員 工作地點: 觀塘 月薪: 視乎工作經驗,詳情面議 有相關工作經驗者/能即時上班者,優先考慮 工作簡介: - 處理一般辦公室文書工作,包括資料輸入,跟單,聽電話 - 處理日常客服熱線來電,處理查詢或投訴,協助銷售及客戶訂單跟進 - 與內部部門溝通協調,解決客戶問題和要求 職位要求: DSE或以上,有相關經驗工作經驗者優先考慮 靈活性高,待人有禮,具備良好的電話溝通技巧 對客人有責任心,性格目標性高,執行速度快而準 具良...
1989年3月,誠品由台灣台北市仁愛圓環的人文藝術專業書店邁出第一步。 35年來,誠品懷抱著對於善、愛、美、終身學習的生命理念,致力在「書與非書之間」創新,將人文、藝術透過創意的形式,融入到人們生活之中,發展至今已成為以文化內容為基礎的複合式文化場域。2012年,誠品踏出台灣,於香港銅鑼灣核心地帶開設「誠品銅鑼灣店」。10多年來陸續開設尖沙咀店、太古店,並深入各個在地社區,提供具備文化內涵與特色風格的閱讀與文創交流場域,積極融入讀者生活。目前於台灣、香港、蘇州、日本東京,...
工作職責 : 負責整理文件及資料輸入 更新網站內容及產品資料 執行上司委派之其他工作 入職條件 : 中五 / HKDSE 畢業或以上 電腦打字 英文>50WPM & 中文>40WPM (倉頡/速成) 熟悉電腦及MS Office操作 守時細心、主動積極、有責任感 如有相關經驗會被優先考慮 工作時間: 星期一至五09:30 - 18:30; 星期六09:30 - 16:30 (長短週工作) 工作地點: 牛頭角(鄰近地鐵站) ...
will be considered as Loan Clerk We offer an attractive remuneration package and long-term career prospects to the right candidate...
will be considered as Loan Clerk Good communication skills and response skills, proactive and sincere service attitude...
with less experience will be offered as Account Clerk Immediately available is highly preferred Benefits: 50% discount...
with less experience will be offered as Account Clerk Immediately available is highly preferred Benefits 50% discount...
created position as an Accounts Clerk. Duties: Handle clients' enquiries and follow-up orders Sourcing and liaising...
created position as an Accounts Clerk. Duties: Handle clients' enquiries and follow-up orders Sourcing and liaising...
created position as an Accounts Clerk. Duties: Handle clients' enquiries and follow-up orders Sourcing and liaising...
will be considered as Loan Clerk We offer an attractive remuneration package and long-term career prospects to the right candidate...
created position as an Accounts Clerk. Duties: Handle clients' enquiries and follow-up orders Sourcing and liaising...
will be considered for the position of Senior Accounts Clerk We are an equal opportunity employer who offer an inclusive and diverse...
created position as an Accounts Clerk. Duties: Handle clients' enquiries and follow-up orders Sourcing and liaising...
created position as an Accounts Clerk. Duties: Handle clients' enquiries and follow-up orders Sourcing and liaising...
will be considered as Loan Clerk We offer an attractive remuneration package and long-term career prospects to the right candidate...
created position as an Accounts Clerk. Duties: Handle clients' enquiries and follow-up orders Sourcing and liaising...
will be considered as Loan Clerk We offer an attractive remuneration package and long-term career prospects to the right candidate...