receivable function. Assist in month-end closing and preparing accounting schedule. Assist manager to prepare full set... of accounts. Perform other ad hoc tasks as assigned. Job Specification Graduate in Accounting, Finance or related...
Law Ting Pong Secondary School is a direct subsidy EMI secondary school situated in Tai Po, N.T. Dynamic teachers and staff who could foster student engagement in a positive learning environment are invited to apply for the above post in th...
雅詩傢居設計(GOOD IDEA FURNITURE AND DESIGN) 於1992年成立,現有四間連鎖分店,以務實作風及合理訂價為理念,為用家提供各式各樣傢俱產品,於行業內享負盛名。公司為求多元化發展,除零售傢俬外,還提供一站式訂造傢俬及商用傢俬配套服務及產品。與此同時,亦會搜羅國內及國外多種糅合多功能性、富時尚感的優質產品,更成為多個本地知名產品的特約經銷商(包括:芝華仕,斯林百蘭,蓆夢思等大品牌)。除傢俬外,還網羅由外國進口不同品味的家居擺設及飾品-例如荷蘭品牌Ka...